Let's Review is the Equation: End Perfectionism = (K + Co) - (J - C)
Join me and let's learn together how to end and get rid of perfectionism through this equation by joining my Relief From Anxiety & Negative Thinking for Entrepreneurs Facebook Group for daily 🤩🌻💕🤝 and Live Q&A Wed: TinyURL.com/CreateEase. You may also visit my website at www.SparksHope.Life or call/text me now at 954-657-3407.
You can also view the video on the link below:
#yourpotentialislimitless #youarecapableofanything #anyonecanwin #getridofperfectionism #selfhealers #anxietycoach #reparenting #breathworkhealing #selflovecoaching #emotionalhealing #feelingfree, #findyourpeace #anxietytips #anxietysupport #unstuck #healyourwounds #healingtrauma #traumatherapy #stopcomparing #empoweredliving #innerhealing #findyourpeace #mindbody #coachtammystar #sparkshope #SparksHopeLife #BigSquishyHugs
I can't wait to hear how you're using these tools and any questions you have. Set your free breakthrough call today at https://intimateconnection.co/ and let's get your action plan roadmap created.
Warmest Regards,
Tammy Workman-Lopez
Book now: https://intimateconnection.co/