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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Nov 18, 20211 min read
Creating & Reinforcing Healthy Eating For the Holidays
Eating healthy, clean, and nutrient-rich food fills your body with energy, nutrients & antioxidants. Imagine your cells smiling back at...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Oct 4, 20211 min read
Want to Get Rid of Perfectionism?
Let's Review is the Equation: End Perfectionism = (K + Co) - (J - C) Join me and let's learn together how to end and get rid of...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 27, 20211 min read
Share what God has done for you this week
Please be mindful that if you have negative thinking that’s holding you back, you don’t need that. You must bring your life to feeling...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 27, 20211 min read
What do you do to bring fun into your relationships?
What do you do to bring fun into your relationships? Notice what it is that you're thinking that you’re not wanting to move forward and...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 24, 20211 min read
What if you could let yourself Be? What if others then could do the same?
It’s a matter of changing the mindset of what we’re believing and why others are doing what they’re doing, then all of a sudden, it...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 20, 20211 min read
If you love others AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF, what % others are getting if you don't love yourself 100%?
It is important to take a look and know that people deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, kind words, and support so that you...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 20, 20211 min read
How would life be different if you treated yourself like someone you loved?
If there was somebody you loved that you knew their body needed your help, you keep it in mind and you plan for it! You must put in your...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 20, 20211 min read
How sharing about yourself can be fun and free of negative thinking or self-doubt?
Share who you are, what you do and be proud of it! Stand in who you are, stand in what you offer not just your product or services, but...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 20, 20211 min read
Become a Master at Strengthening Your Mind
Become a Master at Strengthening Your Mind 1. Only Allow Greatness 2. Do Something Fun & Exciting We can be the master of our minds and...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 20, 20211 min read
What proof are you using to be able to say "I’m not good enough"?
Asking yourself what is the proof that I'm using really can make a difference, and taking a look at what we're doing with ourselves and...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 18, 20211 min read
What are some of the things that you have been dealing with or a challenge you have been taken on?
Share your success for the week and any challenges you’re still working on. So we can celebrate with you and maybe offer ideas to your...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 17, 20211 min read
SILLY Time! Share some silliness and Let's review your responses
Allow yourself to have some fun and release negative thinking. It helps your mind and body feel better and it helps take away any...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 17, 20211 min read
Story Time - Releasing that perfectionism that's holding you back
Share some of the things that are going on for you and feelings and realizations like when you practice releasing Perfectionistic...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 16, 20211 min read
Do physical issues or pain cause negative thinking?
If we’ve got pain and issues with our body that bring us down, Negative thinking is going to creep in quickly and consistently. So, it is...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
Negative thinking can get you stuck in believing that trying something new is just too silly....
Silly Saturday ~ Mindset Reset Negative thinking is sometimes based on the beliefs that you have but it doesn’t mean it’s true. You must...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
How can you be thankful for your perfectionism?
Our behaviors can both help and hurt us....we can use that to our advantage We just need to take a look at things and allow ourselves to...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
The Most Painful Journeys Can Lead To The Best Views & Enjoyment
Your toughest journeys can lead to the best views in the most enjoyment...Shifting your focus can change negative thinking in a...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
Let's Stand-In Gratitude For All You Do?!
Thank you to those who are looking out for others. Whether at home, at work, in your community.... we are the reminders that there is...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
How are you coping with 2020 or 2021?
Allow and help yourself to understand what’s needed so you can cope with it and you’re not just coping by surviving but thriving through...
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Tammy Workman-Lopez
Sep 13, 20211 min read
How You Treat You May Show Up In Your Relationships
....If you love others AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF... If you're not loving yourself 100% what % are others REALLY getting Thoughts? Are you...
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