Let's Learn How to Put This into Practice...
1. We created subconscious beliefs of "be harshly critical it will help succeed" = Forgiveness Helps Change this Belief & De-stress
2. Self-criticism can be helpful and influenced by perspective = Forgiveness Allows Clear & Helpful Review of Mistakes
3. Self-forgiveness improves our well-being and productivity
4. Forgiveness helps to realize the difference between guilt and shame
5. Forgiveness lets you be perfectly you. Achieving greatness while removing toxic perfectionism
6. Staying in an attitude of forgiveness creates space for balanced expectations.
7. Take a four-step approach to self-forgiveness.
-Practice awareness
- Finding and removing any harmful subconscious beliefs.
-Remember our shared humanity and learn how to ask for what you need
-Remove the negative thinking and replace
- Kindness and Success will come naturally
-Get support to create an action plan of the above daily
Bring a friend, let's learn the Benefits of Self-Forgiveness💕 @ Freedom from Negative Thinking Facebook Group: TinyURL.com/CreateEase
I can't wait to hear how you're using these tools and any questions you have. Set your free breakthrough call today at https://intimateconnection.co/ and let's get your action plan roadmap created.
Warmest Regards,
Tammy Workman-Lopez
Book now: https://intimateconnection.co/