ChatGPT is a hot subject in today's business conversations. It has amazing features and the potential to leverage your business.
Last Feb 14, 2023, we've conducted a workshop to showcase ChatGPT for business owners and introduced them to other business owners who were there too.
We learned about:
- how you can use this tool in your small business (support, sales etc.)
- how it will impact your teams, systems and overall business and
-how it will change the way you hire and manage
I am inviting you to join us for our next ChatGPT adventure in learning amazing ways to use it to improve our lives and our business:
#AI#chatgpt#artificialintelligence#MoreValueNOW#T.E.R.M.S. #industryexperts#coaching#coachtammystar#mindsetcoach#SparksHopeLife